Support data
Is the countermeasure of surge voltage generated by the On/Off status change done?
Are electrification prevention and electrical discharge prevention done during operation?
Is the absolute maximum rating defended?
Is the straight protective resistor put for stable operation?
Did you use LEDs with the matrix circuit?
Is the applied voltage lower than the forward voltage?
Do you use LEDs in outdoor?
Did you confirm an influence of supersonic wave beforehand?
Is there a process where the mechanical stress joins LEDs immediately after soldering?
Does it meet the soldering recommendation condition?
When the different kinds of LEDs are mounted, is the component(E.g. the through-hole LED) that do not receive heat stress easily made a basis?
When you solder twice, do you do in the leaving time of the product after opening moisture-proof pakaging ?
Did you consider PCB camber direction?
Do picking up point with nozzle and load for mounting meet the recomended conditions?
Does leaving time of products meet the recommended condition after opening moisture-proof packaging?
Does storage condition of products meet the recommended condition?